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This research paper, written for Gideon Burton's Shakespeare (Engl 382) class, Brigham Young University, is an exploration in new age education. The digital age will inevitably change the way education is carried out.

Because my essay, "Shakespeare and Blogging: Humanism in Renaissance", is a conversation in the digital discussion, Dr. Burton has allowed me to break traditional essay format and use blogging as my medium.

This essay is meant to rhetorically enhance my point:
  • This essay is written in first-person, in order to bring the process of educational research, as well as the ideas asserted by this essay, to the individual. Though the narrator is fictional, the ideas are the products of my own education.
  • This essay views all communication, regardless of medium, as a text; therefore, anything from video to writing is considered text in this study of humanism.
  • While the introduction and conclusion are on the main page, the sections of the essay are listed as links.
  • All of the complete MLA citations can be found in the bibliographical information under the "Bibliography" link.
The paper guidelines and requirements were these:
Research Paper (40%) – An 8-10 page researched paper having six or more qualified sources, due (final draft) before leaving for Thanksgiving (Nov 24th).

The final draft of the research paper will be preceded by several preliminary assignments, all of which should be included, in order, on the left side of a folder, as follows:
A. Process Self-Evaluation. A one- to two-page self evaluation of the entire research process.
B. Research proposal
C. Research resource assignment
D. Thesis-generating activity
E. Annotated bibliography
F. First complete draft
G. Peer review critique sheet
The final draft of the research paper should be on the right side of the folder and should be in MLA format, including a heading, header with your name and page numbering, and Works Cited page. Please staple rather than paper clipping. You will also be required to submit your final paper electronically to the English Department’s online student paper repository (anonymously) and to me (not anonymously).
Grading: Each of the following is 10% of the research paper grade:
A. Preliminary assignments (an overall grade of your research process)
B. Argument (clear and engaging thesis that is cohesively developed);
C. Use of primary and secondary sources (analysis of primary text, integration and appropriate use of researched sources); and
D. Style (including appropriate mechanics, documentation, and literary style)
The research paper will be returned graded to you during exit interviews conducted during the last two weeks of the semester. This will allow me to give you meaningful feedback on your research and writing.

Please feel free to use or add on to my work (it is licensed under Creative Commons).

This essay is a contribution to our growth in a new age.
